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Tag Archives: Sarasota

A Little Humor for Ya…

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Newt and Callista get glittered

Favorite line: “So goes you…goes the ROTTING of our country!  Do we disrupt YOUR events?”

Those folks over at Maddow know how to make a Bitch chuckle…

Favorite line: “Better safe than Ensign!”

Rick Santorum is coming to the Bitch’s hometown, Sarasota, FL.  Jeremy Wallace previews, breathlessly, and wonders if the McCain-Santorum Feud will continue:

McCain has been particularly strong among Sarasota County voters. In the 2008 presidential election, McCain carried Sarasota by 211 votes over Democrat Barack Obama.

211 votes!  In a county where Rs outnumber Ds by almost 32,000 votes, a county that has favored GOP candidates almost exclusively in living memory…Yes, I’d agree that’s a “particularly strong” showing…NOT.

Incidently, Meghan McCain twits all over Rick Santorum:

Rick Santorum telling my father doesn’t know about torture is like Carrot Top telling Lebron James he doesn’t know about basketball.

(Later tweet)

And I mean no disrespect to Carrot Top!

Do you have plans for The Rapture?  The Bitch will be making chicken nuggets for the Annual Inwood Avenue Ladies’ Get-together, and is glad she got her hair cut last week.  Gotta look good for God, ya’ll.

So sad!  The Republicans are blue:

Despairing Republican lobbyists say their colleagues don’t ask, “Who do you like?” but instead, “Who do we back?”

“It’s not that they’re up in arms,” said a central player in the GOP money machine. “It’s just that they’re depressed.”

The Bitch is crying inside.  Really.

Then there’s this, from Newt Gingrich spokesman Rick Tyler, defending his boss from all minions:

“The literati sent out their minions to do their bidding,” Tyler wrote. “Washington cannot tolerate threats from outsiders who might disrupt their comfortable world. The firefight started when the cowardly sensed weakness. They fired timidly at first, then the sheep not wanting to be dropped from the establishment’s cocktail party invite list unloaded their entire clip, firing without taking aim their distortions and falsehoods. Now they are left exposed by their bylines and handles. But surely they had killed him off. This is the way it always worked. A lesser person could not have survived the first few minutes of the onslaught. But out of the billowing smoke and dust of tweets and trivia emerged Gingrich, once again ready to lead those who won’t be intimated by the political elite and are ready to take on the challenges America faces.”

And lastly, we finish up with the Sperminator.

Peeps, if this collection of silliness doesn’t make laugh, there’s no hope for ya….Catch ya on the flip side…